Sometimes You Just Need to Get the Hell Outta Dodge

Sometimes You Just Need to Get the Hell Outta Dodge

The French had a word for those long grim grey drizzly damp Hanoi winters. Le crachin, they called it, which also applied to similarly grim, grey, drizzly damp French places like Bretagne. They probably attached a grumbled maudit to it, shrugged their shoulders, lit up 

Let’s Hear it For the Boy: Notes on Thwack’s First Birthday

Let’s Hear it For the Boy: Notes on Thwack’s First Birthday

Have you seen this baby? A year ago today, he made a mad dash for the outside world, narrowly averting a first appearance in the hospital elevator, born in a hastily cleared labour room to the sounds of John Coltrane on the iPhone. Everything went so 

10 Practical Reasons Why You Probably Shouldn’t Move to Hanoi With Your Baby

10 Practical Reasons Why You Probably Shouldn’t Move to Hanoi With Your Baby

Last week, I adamantly insisted that Vietnam- or, more specifically, Hanoi- was the place to be if you have a small urchin to care for. Because reasons. Lots of very good reasons. However, I was totally lying. Kind of. In a hyperbolic, contrarian fashion, I 

You Should Definitely Move to Vietnam With Your Baby

You Should Definitely Move to Vietnam With Your Baby

I’m going to preface this by noting and underlining the fact that I am an unreliable narrator. I’m also a barefaced liar (intermittently) who is concurrently preparing a post arguing the exact opposite thesis. Frankly, I’m not even sure which one I believe the most. 

Tiny Notes From Hanoi: It’s Like Downton Abbey, Except Different

Tiny Notes From Hanoi: It’s Like Downton Abbey, Except Different

We have a house, people. A whole house to ourselves, partway down a narrow scooter-wide lane, off a side street, a block from the lake. After two months of living out of suitcases, over a month living with family (both sides, on both sides of 

Tiny Notes From Hanoi: Everything is Amazing When You Leave Your Phone at Home

Tiny Notes From Hanoi: Everything is Amazing When You Leave Your Phone at Home

  Yesterday I left my phone in the hotel room when I went out with Thwack strapped to my front. We were just popping out for a moment to hunt and gather some sort of lunch for me before I had to take a cranky, 

Tiny Notes From Hanoi: A Home, a Banh Mi and Thou

Tiny Notes From Hanoi: A Home, a Banh Mi and Thou

Welcome to Day 2 in my return to blogging, miniature stylee. Today we went and visited our new house. It isn’t ours yet- there is a lovely Danish family still living in it- but we got to have a second look around it for the 

Tiny Notes From Hanoi: It’s Kinda Different With a Kid

Tiny Notes From Hanoi: It’s Kinda Different With a Kid

Welcome to this exciting new series of (hopefully) near daily updates on our very recent move to Hanoi (like, last Friday)! Between living in a compact little hotel room in an area without walkable sidewalks (but with a fine cacophany of scooters roaring at all 

I’m Learning Vietnamese, Y’all: What You Really Need To Know When Learning a New Language

I’m Learning Vietnamese, Y’all: What You Really Need To Know When Learning a New Language

I’m Learning Vietnamese. I Think I’m Learning Vietnamese. I really think so.     So I’m learning another language. I’m adding Vietnamese, slowly and poorly intoned, to my slapdash mental collection of half remembered words and phrases from a dozen countries. I may have mentioned this once or