Tag: expat

A Totally Impractical Expat Interview #1: Nancy Lewis of Wandering Solo

A Totally Impractical Expat Interview #1: Nancy Lewis of Wandering Solo

  Welcome to the first interview in a series that has not yet had its parameters defined. I’ve loosely determined that I want to talk to as many people as possible (or at least until I start annoying people and cease-and-desist comments begin to outnumber 

A Call To Arms (and Submissions): A New Series on Settledness and Restlessness

A Call To Arms (and Submissions): A New Series on Settledness and Restlessness

As you may have noticed, my posts recently have been flailing wildly back and forth on the subject of being settled in a place. It’s not just my posts that are contradicting themselves. I’m waffling on a daily basis, veering between quiet acceptance of being