Tag: Street Photos

The Ridiculously Awesome Cats Who Run Morocco

The Ridiculously Awesome Cats Who Run Morocco

Morocco is, from what I have gathered over the past month of fairly intensive travel around the country, governed exclusively by cats. People are there, sure, but they are peripheral when it comes to internal politics. I have a feeling that this feline governance is 

On Ramadan, Tummy Bugs and Food Porn: Notes from Chefchaouen

On Ramadan, Tummy Bugs and Food Porn: Notes from Chefchaouen

I’m not even going to bother writing an impractical guide to Chefchaouen. It would consist wholly of stifling hot bedrooms, baking hot terraces, rumbling tummies, fevered brows, the same stretches of empty and well-trodden lane, closed doors, silence. You’d have to be floored with a 

Making You Jealous in Chefchaouen, Morocco

Making You Jealous in Chefchaouen, Morocco

We are now in Chefchaouen, Morocco. If anyone has a spare million dollars or so for me to buy my own riad here, I’d be much obliged. I really need to live here. Seriously. This edition of Making You Jealous is going to be a 

Making You Jealous in Fes, Morocco

Making You Jealous in Fes, Morocco

Perhaps after my last Fes post you might think I’d be skipping the jealousy series for that city. But no, that would be absurd. Fes is gorgeous. It’s just hard sometimes to see the forest for the touts. There is plenty for me to torment 

Nothing to Say Here (The Solutions Edition): Put A Shirt on That Pig!

Nothing to Say Here (The Solutions Edition): Put A Shirt on That Pig!

For today’s edition of my Shanghai photo series, I have a small task for you. You see, yesterday I saw something confusing. Something I hadn’t seen before in this city. I saw this. Yes, that’s a pig. And yes, she’s wearing her best quilted winter 

Nothing to Say Here: Shanghai Street Photos (Mops!)

Nothing to Say Here: Shanghai Street Photos (Mops!)

You know what Shanghai is? Shanghai is MOPS. Period. Screw economic prowess, massive deconstruction projects, shiny buildings and nouveau riche bazillionaires and their homicidal spawn and their ¥10,000 bottles of moutai in garish clubs. This city is all about the mop. See?

Nothing to Say Here: Shanghai Street Photos (Curing Winter Meats)

Nothing to Say Here: Shanghai Street Photos (Curing Winter Meats)

As you may have noted, my writer’s block is rather acute these days. Oddly enough, this dearth of things to say has coincided with an inexplicable increase in my impulse to take pictures of random things. Of course, these photos aren’t necessarily fit for human 

Hello, Dalian! A Totally Impractical Guide to That City up by Korea

Hello, Dalian! A Totally Impractical Guide to That City up by Korea

And by impractical, I really mean it this time. I have absolutely no information that might be of use to you here, unless you get sent up for work at the very last minute, as I did, and need to know where you can get 

Kandy Esala Perahera: What the World Needs Now is More Dancing Elephants Lit Up Like Christmas Trees. Really.

Kandy Esala Perahera: What the World Needs Now is More Dancing Elephants Lit Up Like Christmas Trees. Really.

  So we are back in rainy Kandy, smack dab in the middle of the Esala Perahera festival. I don’t have my guide book with me to remind me what exactly it’s about.  You can Google it then lambaste me for being a lazy traveler.  

Not a Top 10 List: My 7 Favourite Posts

Not a Top 10 List: My 7 Favourite Posts

  It’s a funny thing about going home again after a relatively long absence (a year and a half this time), even if it’s only for three weeks: Everything is just so normal and calm and sane and utterly non-extraordinary that I really don’t have 

9 Notes on Re-Entering Canada After Quite a Long Time Away

9 Notes on Re-Entering Canada After Quite a Long Time Away

I have evaded jet lag! I have traveled four hundred bazillion light years from Shanghai to Vancouver to Vancouver Island, crossed the International Date Line, stayed up for 34 hours continuously during my journey and initial arrival, and seem to have righted my circadian rhythms 

Notes on Going Home Again

Notes on Going Home Again

One thing I’ve learned over the past seven years of blogging is to not post when you are sick, exhausted or pissed off. If you are sick or exhausted, it inevitably comes out in a strained, rather incoherent stream. If you are pissed off, the