Tag: Books

Tell Me All About Your Bookshelves (Past and Present)

Tell Me All About Your Bookshelves (Past and Present)

  Ten years ago, approximately, I left Istanbul, and along with a city that I loved/loathed, I also left behind a lot of books. By this, I want to absolutely emphasize that this was a heartbreakingly vast quantity of books that had slowly but steadily 

Damn, That Shit’s Elusive: The Happiness Project Revisited (Plus Books! I have books!)

Damn, That Shit’s Elusive: The Happiness Project Revisited (Plus Books! I have books!)

About a year ago, probably longer, I announced that I would be revisiting the 100 Happy Days challenge. You know the one- you post every day for 100 days something that made you feel happy, no matter how small, how fleeting. I totally failed. And 

(101 Things About Shanghai) Fake Books

(101 Things About Shanghai) Fake Books

One of the things about living in faraway lands that can be frustrating for a nerd like me is the frequently limited access to English books. In Turkey, they were quite pricey but I bought them anyway. A girl has needs, you see. I had