Tag: Fake Crap

Shanghai rules the copyright infringement universe: The Book Carts of Donghu Lu

Shanghai rules the copyright infringement universe: The Book Carts of Donghu Lu

Back in the days of yore when I lived in Turkey, books were a rare commodity. In my first two years, when  I lived out in the wilds of Kayseri, I lived off the half dozen books I had brought with me from Canada, chosen 

(101 Things About Shanghai) Fake Books

(101 Things About Shanghai) Fake Books

One of the things about living in faraway lands that can be frustrating for a nerd like me is the frequently limited access to English books. In Turkey, they were quite pricey but I bought them anyway. A girl has needs, you see. I had 

(101 Things About Shanghai) Fast Food for Sino Taste Buds

(101 Things About Shanghai) Fast Food for Sino Taste Buds

  One of the things I’ve noticed in my years of living elsewhere, is that multinational fast food places seem to try really hard to court their local markets by attempting to mould their products into something vaguely resembling the local tastes. I remember seeing 

(101 Things About Shanghai) Ludicrous Shopping Tactics

(101 Things About Shanghai) Ludicrous Shopping Tactics

  We went to the fakes market today in Nanjing Xi Lu, which is a 4-storey shopping mall that sells only bootlegged goods from hundreds of tiny shops the size of our kitchen. There are a lot of shirts and shoes and ties and small