Tag: Meat

Making you jealous in Casablanca

Making you jealous in Casablanca

I was going to write a long, thoughtful post about arriving in Morocco and getting terribly, terribly lost in Casablanca today. I was going to make joyful noises about the realization that my French is still very much there, somewhere under the surface of the 

Nothing to Say Here (The Solutions Edition): Put A Shirt on That Pig!

Nothing to Say Here (The Solutions Edition): Put A Shirt on That Pig!

For today’s edition of my Shanghai photo series, I have a small task for you. You see, yesterday I saw something confusing. Something I hadn’t seen before in this city. I saw this. Yes, that’s a pig. And yes, she’s wearing her best quilted winter 

Meat and Mops- My Parents’ Journey to Qibao

Meat and Mops- My Parents’ Journey to Qibao

So we went to Qibao yesterday, our first grand excursion in a week or so, as I’d been busy with stupid school stuff and having my jaw sledge-hammered, and my mother was battling her semi-inevitable post-flight cold. Doug and I had gone there about two 

Awesome Things We Ate in Myanmar

Awesome Things We Ate in Myanmar

Before we went to Myanmar, we really had no idea what to expect, food-wise.  It wasn’t a cuisine that was well represented in the South East Asian culinary repetoire internationally. We knew it was just across the water from all things Indian and Bangladeshi, and 

(101 Things About Shanghai) Fast Food for Sino Taste Buds

(101 Things About Shanghai) Fast Food for Sino Taste Buds

  One of the things I’ve noticed in my years of living elsewhere, is that multinational fast food places seem to try really hard to court their local markets by attempting to mould their products into something vaguely resembling the local tastes. I remember seeing 

(101 Things About Shanghai) Brutally honest meat

(101 Things About Shanghai) Brutally honest meat

I love Chinese supermarkets. A lot of foreigners I know simply refuse to shop in Chinese supermarkets because some sections can be viscerally overwhelming. Like the meat and fish section.  Our local supermarket reeks of fish and flesh, most of which is not neatly packaged