Tag: Italy

A Totally Impractical Expat Interview #13: Kate Bailward of Driving Like a Maniac

A Totally Impractical Expat Interview #13: Kate Bailward of Driving Like a Maniac

Welcome to the lucky 13th edition of the Totally Impractical Expat Interview series (hello baker’s dozen!). Today we have Gerald the Bear’s favourite expat, the lovely Kate Bailward of Driving Like a Maniac, a.k.a @katja_dlam. One of the unexpected by-products of this series has been 

A Totally Impractical Expat Interview #11: Liv From I Eat My Pigeon

A Totally Impractical Expat Interview #11: Liv From I Eat My Pigeon

Welcome to the eleventh instalment in my infinite expat interview series. I really hadn’t expected it to last this long (I didn’t think anyone would respond, to be honest) but it seems to have taken on a life of its own, slowly taking over this blog,