Tag: Mops

This Week’s Mop (and a meditation on getting my writing ass in gear)

This Week’s Mop (and a meditation on getting my writing ass in gear)

Actual thoughtful writing should resume soon- we had a big, tiring weekend away in Nanjing for work and didn’t see daylight for two days. I tried writing a few things on my iPod on the train ride home but the touch screen is small and 

(101 Things About Shanghai) Laneways and Alleys, oh my

(101 Things About Shanghai) Laneways and Alleys, oh my

Shanghai’s got a lot of alleyways. I’m a huge fan of them, perhaps as a human level antidote to the carelessly changing skyscraper skyline of this city. They like things to be new, big and shiny here.  I prefer smaller things in my line of 

(101 Things About Shanghai) Mops

(101 Things About Shanghai) Mops

In the Former French Concession (AKA bits of Luwan and Xuhui), there is a parallel universe operating, much like the ones full of street cats and their armies doing their own thing with their own agendas. This parallel universe is made up entirely of mops.